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An Expeditor

You can have the best team members in the world and the most highly paid, but if you don’t have a coach, you will win very few games. That is why teams have coaches, trainers, and athletic directors. They help the team build on their strengths and cheer them on to work effectively with team members with any weakness they may have. When you are investing money into a business you can’t afford to cut corners that may compromise your future. Professionals do their work all day long and get better with each new project. Not any different than you practicing your profession.

We also have a team captain we call an “expeditor”. This leadership role is very important when it comes to coordinating your construction project. They work closely with the build-out team, tile setting, painting, electrical wiring, framing and installation to make sure supplies and workers are functioning together as a team.. Once permits are pulled,we need ten (10) weeks of well organized labor and product delivery to complete a professional project.

Call an agent today and begin dialogue to begin the process: 626.583.844

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